Monday, November 20, 2006

It's been a whole month since I have been in the hospital and my meds are working and I feel great!!!!! I am enjoying Evan and Brenden being here. We took them to see Happy Feet Saturday and Chuck e Cheese on Sunday. I was so tired. They ran around that place for 5 hours!!! and then had the nerve to fall asleep on the way home and get a catnap to rejuvinate themselves before we made it home! I have a ton of pictures to upload I just need to find a ton of time to do it!!! To think I actually thougt I could upload pics every day so Monica could see what we were doing. Hahahahaha I was fooling myself :)

Tonight we are going to a Happy Feet Penguin display and getting their pics taken with santa :) I will upload santa and happy feet pictures tonight if it kills me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still waiting on those pictures LOL