Saturday, October 14, 2006

Oh yeah... the test was as bad as it seemed.... if you ever get the chance to have one, pass. It simulates a heart attack. I once again landed in the hospital over a stinking test. I have one request of hospitals. Get internet access or I am not coming back. I will boycott hospitals. I told my doctor I refused to go anywhere but Bon Secours and she said "yeah sure" and then the ambulance drivers (I went by ambulance) took me to St John Macomb. No where near as bad as St John on Moross but still not Bon Secours. Bon Secours has internet access and private rooms. Not that I think I am deserving of anything above normal but I would rather not have my big ass sticking out of the back of the hospital nightgown with other people in the room. I had Kevin bring me up some jogging pants and a tshirt but I had on a "special" gown that had a big pocket in the front for the heart monitor so I could take it with me wherever I went all the while my ass sticking out in the back. Isnt that special.

The only cool thing is that I get to go back to work Monday. Thank God. I need to relax. There is no relaxation in this house. I miss work. I miss my work friends. I miss $500 a week overtime.

Oh yeah, add one more drug to the list. Betapace. Its nowhere near as fun as it sounds.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

WOW! You have had a rough week. I will say an extra prayer for you and maybe good health is just around the corner for you. Have a great weekend!