Well here it is! My blog. Why did I make this blog? Because I spend so much time browsing my favorite blogs and maybe, just maybe some of the blog owners I stalk might like to know who I am :)
I have declared it Christmas at my house!
Why? Well because all six of our kids decided to move home. One by one. Well technically Josh still has a house but since his brothers are home this is where he stays too. So we have Vernon, Josh, Evan, Holl, Alex, Kiya and Ariel. Evan moved back to MI from OKC just last week. The month before Vern thought he could find a better job in MI so he moved home from OH. The girls never left yet and my stepdaughter Kiya moved in with us a few months back. That means I went from 6 kids to just the 4 girls to the 4 girls and 3 boys! Now if it were Christmas and they were all visiting together I would be in my glory so I have declared it christmas in March!
The three pictures you see above will be the main characters of my entries here I am sure! They are my grandbabies. Ariel, Evan, and Brenden with the red hair :)
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