Remember the love! Remember the joy and happiness of the life of little Serenity! She has been gone for one year today. This is going to be a very very hard day for her mother and grandmother. Please remember them today and pray that their hearts are filled with peace and joy in remembering how loved she was.
Remember how much you love your family today. Everything you say and everything you do could be the last thing that happens before you or they are called home forever. What would you want them to remember as your last words or actions? If I die tomorrow I want my babies to remember me kissing them goodnight and tucking them in, maybe reading them a story and telling them I love them. I want them to remember going to the beach in November just so I can get shots of the boys by the water for my scrapbooking. I want them to remember me hanging out at Chuck E Cheese with them for 5 hours! I want them to remember me taking unauthorized pictures of them talking to santa even when I saw the "no personal photographs" sign and was getting dirty looks from the elves. I want them to remember me crawling around looking under couches at 5am looking for binkies. I want them to remember the look on Gamp Gamps face when he saw that I bought him and Brenden matching pj's so I could take their picture in them!!! Remember the look on my face when I am trying to tell Ariel about Jesus and SHE tells ME he is in heaven peeking down to make sure we are okay. Please treat your loved ones with love and kindness. You just dont know who will still be here tomorrow!