I stopped taking my medicine Monday. I cannot work with the side effects. I cant see and I am dizzy and I cant sleep. I get a migraine trying to read my cases because I am trying so hard to focus. I dont have the kind of job where I can just call in and stay home when I feel like it so I stopped the medication until Monday. I see my doctor on Monday and I will see what she says. I might have to stay off work until I get used to the meds. Either way it kind of sucks to be me right now.
On a better note my scrapbooking raffle is going good. It went great on Monday and okay on Tuesday. Wed is at a standstill waiting for the AHA to find out if I can get a tax write off for people donating. As soon as I know for sure how they get a write off I have an exrtremely huge thing to raffle off!!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006

Here is my intro to my raffle at Willow Traders this week. Much of it is copied from my Aunt Norma's.
Everyone knows somebody who has been affected by heart disease. Serenity was born with complex congenital heart defects. Serenity fought hard against heart disease by going through five open heart surgeries and numerous medical treatments. Unfortunately she lost her battle on November 30, 2005. Now it’s our turn to fight against the Nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 causes of death - Heart disease and Stroke.
Until June 3, 2007 I will be helping the American Heart Association in it’s Heart Walk Campaign. Funds raised through our donations will support research, community service, and public and professional education programs.
I am part of the Serenity Brown’s Megga Egga Team. “Mega Egga Girl” was the super-hero name she called herself. We took that to heart and now with your help we can continue her fight. Our team goal is to raise $50,000.
What we are starting here today at Willow Traders is a scrapbook raffle Not just any raffle, we are raffling kits donated by the owners of the kit clubs who participate right here on this Willow Trader board!
I have had an overwhelming response from many many kit clubs who have donated their kits! I will be raffling off as many as I can here at Willowtraders this week
So far I have listed 3 kits and got a little money for the raffle tickets. I had about 20 store owners contact me and donate kits. I hope I make a lot of money! I see we are in the top 5 teams and since no one else is really fund raising this early maybe we can stay in the top 5 for a couple months :)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Seems like just yesterday I was saying that I was having no side effects form the Metoprolol. Oh wait, it was yesterday but that was before I went to bed.... I spent most of last night watching things float around my bedroom. I was watching my sweater walk around the room minus me. Yeah, that was fun. And my hands were numb and I could not feel my heart beat which I think is the point. I could feel the effects of my heart beating really fast but I could not feel it beat. That was weird. I have my echo Tuesday. That is usually pretty interesting. You can lay and watch your heart beat. Always a good thing :)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I have made it through day 2. My heart monitor did not go off one time. I seem to be getting by without a lot of side effects so far. I slept just fine last night (well Kevin helped with that) I didnt have any dreams which is my most freaked out side effect. Actually I feel fine :) Of course I did forget to take it this morning and took it late. That is the hardest part, remembering to take it.
Oh yeah, tell me why they gave me a pill that I have to cut. Why not just give me a lower dose pill. I smash it to bits every time. I even tried my special Creating Memories scrapbooking scissors and it not only smashed but half flew across the room. Luckily I seem to have extras....
Holly went to wake Ariel up this morning for school and Ariel pulls the covers over her head and says "5 more minutes! I wonder where she gets that from!
Oh yeah, tell me why they gave me a pill that I have to cut. Why not just give me a lower dose pill. I smash it to bits every time. I even tried my special Creating Memories scrapbooking scissors and it not only smashed but half flew across the room. Luckily I seem to have extras....
Holly went to wake Ariel up this morning for school and Ariel pulls the covers over her head and says "5 more minutes! I wonder where she gets that from!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Today I will start a drug that I will have to be on the rest of my life. I am not happy about that. Starting means I cannot stop. I usually just do what I want regarding these things but suddenly stopping could give me a heart attack. You have to wean yourself off this drug for weeks before you can stop. That means I dont have control of my situation. If the side effects are too much to handle it will just be too bad for me. I will have to just suffer with it. That makes me more scared than not taking it. So that is why so far, the pill bottle is sitting in front of me.
Good news and bad news. My heart disease has a name, unfortunately I forgot what it is. The whole time the doctor is talking I am listening, understanding, taking it all in. I had every intention of looking it up on the internet. As soon as I walked out of the office my mind started going a million miles a minute and I totally forgot what she said! I do know that up till now I was pretty safe, the disease was in my upper chambers. Now it has begun to move into my lower chambers so for the last 2 months I have been worrying about dying for nothing!! I didnt need to worry until this week!!!! Good news is that my doctor said she has seen people live on this drug for years. You might not think that is good news but considering I thought I would be gone next month it sounds good to me. I will take years over months.
Side effects seem a little scary. But I have my trusty heart monitor on so it will advise if I have deathly effects. By then I will be gone but hey, at least they will know what killed me. Perhaps I will be one of the few that dont have any side effects. Oh yeah, my life always defies the odds. NOT
Good news and bad news. My heart disease has a name, unfortunately I forgot what it is. The whole time the doctor is talking I am listening, understanding, taking it all in. I had every intention of looking it up on the internet. As soon as I walked out of the office my mind started going a million miles a minute and I totally forgot what she said! I do know that up till now I was pretty safe, the disease was in my upper chambers. Now it has begun to move into my lower chambers so for the last 2 months I have been worrying about dying for nothing!! I didnt need to worry until this week!!!! Good news is that my doctor said she has seen people live on this drug for years. You might not think that is good news but considering I thought I would be gone next month it sounds good to me. I will take years over months.
Side effects seem a little scary. But I have my trusty heart monitor on so it will advise if I have deathly effects. By then I will be gone but hey, at least they will know what killed me. Perhaps I will be one of the few that dont have any side effects. Oh yeah, my life always defies the odds. NOT
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
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