I just want to thank those who email me and help me in helping me in my journey to find Faith in God and Christ. I feel like I have come so far in just the last few months. Every bit of advice people give me helps me move along the path I am trying to go down.
As I understand more and more the things people have said make so much sense to me now. Its exciting when I have a realization of something and I remember someone telling me it would happen. I just get tears in my eyes.
I have such a long way to go before I can be a christian role model to others but I feel like the fog I was in is just drifting farther and farther away. I can see my problems with so much more clarity and less fear.
Funny thing. No one in my real life has helped me see things as clearly as my online friends. I have poured my heart out and gotten response here, on my blog and on my other sites. People have given me so much wisdom and courage. People I have not even met!
I know that if I surround myself with the words and kindness of all my friends and keep away from negative people and places I will continue to get stronger and stronger in my faith and my walk with God.