Sunday, April 30, 2006

Here are the cute shoes I made for Ariel out of fabric strips!

Friday, April 28, 2006

There is nothing more nerve wracking than taking photos of another photographer! I know this becuase I have done it and I was terrified they wouldnt like my photos or they wouldnt think they were as good as theirs LOL Well it's that time for us as a family to get our photos taken. I am inquiring now on dates and prices. I really want to get them done at the beach. That is my favorite place and everyone knows it. I am not telling them I am a photographer LOL That way maybe someone will do it.

I need to get this done as I have put off heart surgery for good. I will not have it done. There for I feel the need to get our photos taken in case something happens. That sounds morbid but I want my family to have these pictures. I am pretty picky as to the style. I think what I will do is form a file of photos that I love and give it to the photographer so they will know the kind of photos I want.

This gives me another reason to start eating good, keep exercising and losing weight. I dont want to have "fat" pictures I want "phat" pictures LOL

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Look at this piece of perfection. Or should I say perfection with a piece taken out..... I am proud of this because I made it from scratch, for the first time. I LOVE pound cake and this is so good!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

We call this look "Giving the Ariel nose" Dont like something? Give it the Ariel nose!

As much as I love blogging I feel like if there are no new pictures, there is not reason to blog. I dont have much really interesting to those who dont know me going on. I guess I feel better if I can accent my thoughts with photos. I am officially on a spending freeze getting ready for the Mega Meet!!! We are also going to OKC in May so I should save some cash for that trip as well!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

OK Don't faint. For everyone who thinks I am the perfect organized grandma guess what? We did not color any eggs. I had too much to do. We had all those colored plastic eggs and the longer I looked at them the more they looked good enough! We filled those with candy and marshmellows and hid them across the street and she took her little basket and found them all and was perfectly happy! So I was happy to have an easy to please grand child this year. Evan and Brenden recv'd their baskets and new clothes in the mail before easter. So I made dinner after Ariel found her basket and her eggs and that was that for the day! No big productions and no company this year. It was peaceful!! I did go to the zoo with Shelly and the kids on Saturday! Here are the photos from that:

Friday, April 14, 2006

Today is Good Friday. Don't let the day go by without Thanking Jesus Christ for dying so that we could live.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My little scrappin Ariel. This girl loves to scrapbook and make art projects!
Wild, wet morning at our house
I was fed up with being woke up late at night. The boys once again came in after midnight making noise and banging pots and pans cooking! I have asked them several times to be quiet, I have to get up and go to work at 6 a.m. It's like they have no consideration. Well this morning I got up, turned on all the lights and the tv and dumped a bucket of water on their heads and yelled at them to get up! I was very angry last night and this morning. Just seeing them all warm and snuggly in their beds sleeping so soundly loses its appeal after they turn 20. It made me even madder to see them so sound asleep. Well I took care of that. Now I can see the humor in it. You should have seen their faces. Kevin couldnt believe I did that. It's shame I had to take such drastic measures to get some respect! But actually, for me it was probably the best thing I could have done because I have been giggling about it all morning :)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Guess who went to see the Easter Bunny?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Have you ever seen such angels :)

Sometimes when things get me down I take time to just sit and stare at my babies and think of all the blessings I do have and not dwell on the ones I dont.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Paper or Pixel?

I see so many people doing digital layouts instead of paper. Quesion for digital layout people: How do you present them? Do you just have them online and hope people remember the links? do you put them on CD? How are you going to hand them down? do you print them and put them in albums? If the real reason we are scrapping is to preserve our family memories what will you do if the computer crashes?

More than a Picasso?

For paper scappers; Lets talk about supplies. I am over supplied. I have about $10,000 worth of scrapbooking supplies to make $2 worth of layouts a week. Why must we hoard scrap supplies like the 5000 manufacturers are going to stop making new stuff? We have to make a commitment to use our supplies and not just look at them. For every trip to the LSS we need to make a layout. I have about 25 good layouts so far in life. That means I have $400 worth of supplies for each layout. Thats more than a picasso.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kevin bought my an awesome scanner and printer. I love it. It is an Epson CX7800 :) Sounds like a car! Here are my first 2 scanned pics!